PNP Reference Letter Requirement Gone -> Supplementary Travels Next Please

Meurrens LawSkilled Immigration (Express Entry, CEC, FSWC, Etc.)

Earlier this week CIC removed the proof of work experience and proof of education experience requirements from the PNP checklist.  This came after intensive lobbying from numerous provinces, immigration lawyers / consultants, and, I speculate, people within CIC.

I think that the next target should be the IMM5562 – Supplementary Information – Your Travels form.  This form asks applicants to list every country that they have visited outside of Canada and their country of nationality since they either turned 18 or during the 10 year period preceding the application.  No matter how short the duration, applicants are expected to list every country that they have ever visited.

British citizen visiting Paris for a day for business?  Required to inform the government.  American visiting Cancun? Required to inform the government.

Whatever the benefit that this form provides, and I cannot think of what the benefit is, it is surely outweighed by the hassle that it causes frequent travellers to complete it.