PR Card Renewal Wait Times Continue to Increase, plus: Use of a Representative : 說不出代辦名字易惹官質疑

Meurrens LawMaintaining Permanent Residency

Less than three weeks ago I commented on the increased delay in processing PR Card Renewals.  The processing time had gone from roughly 40 days in January, to 80 days in April, to 171 days on July 16th.

The situation is not improving. According to CIC’s website, the current wait time is 193 days.  CIC is currently processing applications that were received on February 8, 2010.

In Ming Pao I suggested that this might be due to an increase in the amount of people applying for PR Card renewals, as well as staffing changes at CIC.

Using data recently provided by CIC, I have come to the conclusion that the first explanation might not be true.

Application Type CALENDAR YEAR
  2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Existing PRs 50,602 28,704 20,206 16,699 12,242
Renewal PRs 1,200 1,597 28,639 204,355 168,511
Replacement Card 4,171 5,858 6,969 9,053 8,316
Applications Returned by Client** 58,112 21,765 24,609 65,042 76,288

This table shows a huge explosion in the number of applications to renew PR Cards in 2008.  There is then a substantial decline in 2009.

Application Type YEAR TO DATE
  2009 (Jan-Mar) 2010 (Jan-Mar) % Change
Existing PRs 3,673 2,861 -22%
Renewal PRs 55,814 38,747 -31%
Replacement Card 2,190 2,057 -6%
Applications Returned by Client** 28,074 19,142 -32%

This second table shows that the decline is continuing in 2010. The number of applications to renew PR Cards that were received by CIC from Jan-March 2010 is 31% lower than during the same period in 2009. This data therefore suggests that the number of applications being received by CIC does not explain the huge increase in processing wait times.

Possible remaining explanations for the increased processing times include that the files are becoming increasingly complex as people develop increasingly complicated methods to fraud the system (such as through the creation of fake Canadian companies), or staffing issues at CIC (as suggested by Ming Pao).


Also worth noting today is the fact that there has been an increased number of cases involving issues with people failing to properly sign a “use of representative” agreement. This was noted in Ming Pao, where I said that:

移民律師辛湉王(Steven Meurrens)指出,申請人說不清楚所委託代辦的律師或是顧問是誰,很可能讓移民官進一步對申請內容懷疑,因此申請人最好能提供委託代辦人的表格 (Use of A Representative),並且應對代辦人的資料有清楚掌握,以免讓移民官產生不必要的懷疑。
