CIC Office Closures Run Deep

Meurrens LawImmigration Trends

The deficit reduction strategy has officially hit Citizenship and Immigration Canada’s Canadian offices.  Here are a list of closures effective today: Office Closing PR Cards and Investigation Referrals will be transferred to Vegerville Referral Files will be transferred to Citizenship Files will be transferred to BC  Kelowna Expo Office in Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver  Nanaimo  Expo office in Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver  Prince George  Expo Office in Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver  Victoria  Expo Office in Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver AB Lethbridge  Calgary Calgary Calgary SK  Regina  Saskatoon Saskatoon Saskatoon ON  Barrie  St. Clair Etobicoke Scarborough  Kingston  Ottawa Ottawa  Ottawa  Oshawa  St. Clair Scarborough Scarborough  Sault Ste. Marie  St. Clair Etobicoke Mississauga  Sudbury  St. Clair Etobicoke Mississauga  Thunder Bay  St. Clair Etobicoke Mississauga QC  Gatineau  Ottawa Montréal  Ottawa  Quebec City  Montréal Montréal Montréal Sherbrooke  Montréal Montréal Montréal  Trois Rivières  Montréal Montréal Montréal NB  Moncton  Moncton Moncton Moncton  Saint John  Fredericton Fredericton Moncton PEI Charlottetown  Halifax Halifax Moncton