LMIA Exemption for Francophones

Meurrens LawWork Permits

  Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (“IRCC“) has a program to facilitate the ability of francophone foreign workers to enter Canada.  The benefit of the program, called Moibilte Francophone, is that no Labour Market Impact Assessment (“LMIA“) is required.  This means that employers of prospective francophone foreign workers do not need to pass a labour market test in order to employ francophone foreign workers. To qualify for the LMIA exemption, applicants must: apply at a visa office outside Canada; be going to work in an occupation which falls under National Occupation Classification 0, A or B; have French as his/her habitual language; and be destined to a province other than Quebec. Here are some other key things to note about the program. 1. Recruitment through a francophone immigration promotional event coordinated between the federal government and francophone minority communities is no longer required.  Previously, participation in Moibilte Francophone was restricted to prospective foreign workers recruited through government promotional events. This requirement, which the government interpreted incredibly broadly in any event, is no longer the case. Previously, the program worked as follows: 2. Habitual French speaking abilities are required, but not for the job.  To approve the work permit application officers must be satisfied … Read More

Information Technology Workers to British Columbia

Meurrens LawWork Permits

CIC has announced a change in the salary range for BC and Quebec companies wishing to hire foreign workers in the IT sector. A work permit will not be issued unless the prospective foreign worker’s salary is in line with the following salary ranges: