Immigration Related Resolutions at the 2013 NDP Convention

Meurrens LawImmigration Trends

In 2011 I wrote about a resolution at the Conservative Party Convention to strip the citizenship of people who take up arms against Canadian soldiers or other types of treason.  Fast forward to 2013, and it seems like the government may adopt a similar policy. So with the New Democratic Party, the Official Opposition in Canada, about to have their Policy Convention in Montreal, I thought it would be prudent to state the resolutions of theirs directly related to immigration (as opposed to resolutions which would indirectly influence immigration by impacting Canada’s standard of living). 3-16-13 Resolution on Equal Access to Employment Insurance Benefits for Temporary Foreign Workers Submitted by UFCW Canada, UFCW Canada Local 1518, UFCW Canada Local 1000A WHEREAS An estimated 800,000 temporary foreign workers in Canada pay full premiums with employers into the Employment Insurance (EI) program but are not eligible for the primary benefit when laid off and return home due to residency regulations implemented by the federal government; and WHEREAS Temporary foreign workers were eligible for the secondary benefits under the EI program for Parental and Maternal benefit; and THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the NDP call on the Harper Government to repeal this regulation and restore access to these secondary … Read More

Does Party Affiliation Affect Views on Immigration?

Meurrens LawImmigration Trends

Recently, the Conference Board of Canada published a series of articles relating to immigration. One of them, written by Nick Nanos, talks about extensive polling on Canadian opinions regarding immigration. It has been widely quoted in the media that while Canadians approve of immigration, they generally want the numbers to stay the same. I made summaries of four of the seven questions that Mr. Nanos asked respondents. In making the following tables, I merged “% agree” and “% somewhat agree” into one category. I did the same for disagree. The results are as follows: Question 1. Immigration is a key positive feature of Canada as a country? Voter Profile % Agree % Disagree Liberal 87.8 10.5 Conservative 79.6 18.4 NDP 86.9 10.0 Bloc 77.1 22.9 Green 90.5 9.5 Undecided 73.9 21.1 Question 2. In 2008, Canada admitted 247,202 permanent immigrants. Do you think Canada should increase, decrease, or keep the same number of new permanent immigrants each year? Voter Profile % Increase Numbers % Keep Same % Decrease Liberal 21.7 40.0 31.6 Conservative 19.1 38.4 36.3 NDP 29.5 41.4 23.5 Bloc 17.3 47.8 31.1 Green 29.3 45.3 23.5 Undecided 18.6 33.2 36.1 What these two tables indicate is that Liberals … Read More