Temporary Resident Visa Statistics

Meurrens LawUncategorized

A temporary resident visa is a paper document affixed to a passport that, when presented at an airline check-in, allow a foreign national to travel to Canada. It also must be presented at a port of entry and combined with an exemption by an immigration officer, to allow a foreign national to enter Canada for a certain purpose.

From 2011 – 2020 the visitor visa approval rate for some of Canada’s top source countries of applications was as fol

Temporary Resident Visa Approval Rate By Country
Country 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Algeria 80 77 74 68 70 65 58 44 46 44
Bangladesh 64 70 65 46 48 53 53 53 55 63
China 85 88 90 89 88 89 89 88 87 87
Colombia 72 74 78 78 80 79 80 78 78 67
Egypt 55 61 69 73 70 68 57 62 57 57
Ghana 54 53 50 30 48 47 47 47 50 38
Haiti 60 50 45 44 43 42 37 37 29 39
India 79 77 78 78 77 74 67 56 53 62
Iran 67 58 68 68 73 69 74 68 46 52
Jamaica 59 64 67 65 59 58 58 72 75 75
Lebanon 80 75 75 73 78 73 61 67 63 58
Nigeria 56 54 60 59 58 50 32 40 33 38
Pakistan 59 56 51 52 55 53 34 44 41 40
Phillipines 84 85 85 81 79 78 76 78 78 82
Russia 89 90 84 79 78 85 84 78 78 76
South Africa 97 97 96 95 95 92 88 88 89 79
Sri Lanka 71 69 69 65 74 72 66 67 59 56
Turkey 89 89 89 90 90 75 72 74 73 69
Ukraine 84 85 84 71 69 72 72 71 71 74
Venezuala 77 88 92 80 74 77 49 43 47 62
Vietnam 82 78 78 79 79 84 77 75 68 76
Global 82 82 83 81 81 79 74 70 64 66

A full breakdown can be found here:

2A-2021-19986_Release package