The 2021 NOC and TEERs

Meurrens LawSkilled Immigration (Express Entry, CEC, FSWC, Etc.)

The following is a summary of a 2022 Memo to the Minister.

In 2022 Canada is changing the National Occupational Classification (“NOC”).

The new NOC is called NOC 2021.

Among the changes in NOC 2021 is the replacement of NOC 2016’s five Skill Type / Level Groupings – used to determine eligibility for several Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada programs – with a new categorization of six TEER (representing the requisite Training, Education, Experience and Responsibilities of each occupation).


The transition to the new NOC will work as follows.

NOC 2016 NOC 2021
Skill Type 0 TEER 0
Skill Level A TEER 1
Skill Level TEER 2 and TEER 3
Skill Level C TEER 4
Skill Level D TEER 5

Occupations have moved throughout the classification to align with this methodology. This will result in minor changes for most programs (e.g., the use of new terminology), but more
substantive changes are needed for programs with narrower occupational criteria where the current Skill Type/Level groupings are used, including those managed under Express
Entry (i.e., Federal Skilled Workers Program, Federal Skilled Trades Program, Canadian Experience Class, and a portion of the Provincial Nominee Program) and the Atlantic
Immigration Program.

Changes to Express Entry

The transition to the 2021 NOC will result in program eligibility cut-off becomming TEER 3.

This will result in the following sixteen occupations becoming eligible under Express Entry, based on their updated educational and experience requirements:

  • Payroll administrators;
  • Dental assistants and dental laboratory assistants;
  • Nurse aides, orderlies and patient service associates;
  • Pharmacy technical assistants and pharmacy assistants;
  • Elementary and secondary school teacher assistants;
  • Sheriffs and bailiffs;
  • Correctional service officers;
  • By-law enforcement and other regulatory officers;
  • Estheticians, electrologists and related occupations;
  • Residential and commercial installers and servicers;
  • Pest controllers and fumigators;
  • Other repairers and servicers;
  • Transport truck drivers;
  • Bus drivers, subway operators and other transit operators;
  • Heavy equipment operators; and
  • Aircraft assemblers and aircraft assembly inspectors.

The three occupations that will become ineligible are:

  • other performers;
  • program leaders;
  • and instructors in recreation, sport and fitness; and tailors, dressmakers, furriers and milliners.

These three occupations will remain eligible for programs with broader occupational eligibility criteria (e.g., some streams of the Provincial Nominee Program).
