Borderlines Podcast #132 – Cessation

Steven MeurrensUncategorized



Douglas Cannon is a Partner at Elgin Cannon & Associates.

A significant part of Doug’s practice involves helping refugees and protected persons navigate and defend against “cessation” applications. Cessation applications can strip refugees of their refugee status, as well as Canadian permanent resident status, if it’s found that they no longer need protection, based on specific grounds, including: (1) Choosing to return and seek protection in their home country, (2) Regaining their original nationality voluntarily, (3) Gaining a new nationality that offers them protection, (4) Reestablishing themselves in the country they once fled, or (5) No longer facing the threats that led them to seek asylum in Canada in the first place.

Our guest sheds light on these complex processes, breaking down the legal challenges and sharing insights on how individuals facing these risks can protect their status in Canada.

For a more detailed perspective from Doug, we highly recommend his article in the Canadian Association for Refugee Lawyer (CARL) Review, Vol. 1, No. 1 (, starting at page 43. To read the legislative amendments referenced by Doug in this episode, see here:

On the closing conversation about claiming CPD points, we are currently looking into the new LSBC requirements and will post on LinkedIn once we have a definitive answer.