LMIA Language Requirements

Meurrens LawLabour Market Impact Assessments

The application for a Labour Market Impact Assessment (“LMIA”) asks: Employers should generally be counselled against stating that an offer of employment requires the ability to communicate in a language other than English or French.

Language Requirements for Immigration (IR-11)

Meurrens LawImmigration Trends

During the time that I have been writing this blog the most frequently asked question that readers have asked me is whether their IELTS band scores are sufficient for certain immigration programs.  Some people have even offered to book initial consultations with me just so that I would review their IELTS scores.  This has always been somewhat surprising to me given that the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (“IRCC) website publishes each of its program’s respective language requirements in a clear and concise manner. Indeed, it is not just members of the general public that seem to be confused.  As shown in the exchange below, which I obtained through an Access to Information Act request, some immigration lawyers are unclear of the requirements.  (Please note that what I have reproduced below should not be viewed as legal advice.  The reproduction of question and answer has not occurred with the affiliation of the Government of Canada, nor with the endorsement of the Government of Canada.) Question – May 21, 2013 Dear Sir/ Madam, I have been referred to your office, by Karen Flynn, of NHQ-Immigration in Ottawa, her phone number is _______. I practice immigration law in Toronto, and I have the … Read More

Changes to Language Requirements

Meurrens LawCitizenship Applications and Revocations

New Language Requirements for Citizenship and PNP Applications Citizenship and Immigration Canada (“CIC”) has introduced new language requirements for citizenship applications and certain provincial nominee applications.  For citizenship applications, the changes will introduce objective language requirements for most applicantions.  For certain provincial nominee program (“PNP”) applications, the changes will introduce mandatory language testing. The Citizenship Langugage Requirements   Applicants for Canadian citizenship are required to demonstrate that they have an adequate knowledge of either English or French.  Currently, this is done through a multiple choice written test known as the Citizenship Exam, which also tests knowledge of Canada and the responsibilities of citizenship. On April 21, 2012, the Government of Canada introduced regulatory changes that when they take affect will require that citizenship applicants enclose proof that they meet the language requirement with their citizenship application.  Acceptable means of proof will include: A language test result from an authorized testing agency; Evidence of completion of secondary or post-secondary education in English or French; or Evidence of completion and achievement of a certain level in a government-funded language training program. Applicants submitting test results from an authorized testing agency will have to achieve a minimum standard of Canadian Language Benchmark (“CLB”) … Read More