On July 2, 2015, the British Columbia Provincial Nomination Program (“BC PNP“) re-launched with new program requirements and processes. The BC PNP remains divided into the Skills Immigration stream and the Entrepreneur Immigration stream. The most significant changes to the BC PNP include: Introducing an online application process with an electronic payment system; Streamlining the Business Skills and Regional Business programs into one Entrepreneur Immigration stream based on an expression of interest model similar to Citizenship and Immigration Canada’s (“CIC”) Express Entry program; Capping the intake in the Skills Immigration program to 200 new applications in 2015 (Express Entry BC, the Health Care Professionals Stream, and the North East Pilot Project are excluded from this cap); and Requiring in the Skilled Immigration Stream that applicants with job offers in National Occupational Classification (“NOC”) B positions pass an English language test. Skills Immigration and Express Entry BC The Skills Immigration is divided into the following substreams: Skilled Worker Health Care Professionals International Graduates International Post-Graduates Entry Level and Semi-Skilled North East Pilot Project As well, the Express Entry BC stream is divided into the following substreams: Skilled Worker Health Care Professional International Graduate International Post-Graduate Most of the requirements to the Skills Immigration … Read More