Not all Citizenship and Immigration Canada Operational Bulletins are public. Our firm has a small collection of internal bulletins. I have published one below which provided guidance to officers on how to cancel visas. The bulletin appears to have been motivated by the Arab Spring.
The Mexican Visa Requirement to Visit Canada
On July 14, 2009, the Canadian government introduced a Temporary Resident Visa (“TRV”) requirement for Mexican nationals. The decision was and continues to be extremely controversial. Mexico responded by slapping a visa requirement on Canadian diplomats. During the 2011 Federal Election campaign, the Liberal Party promised to revoke the visa requirement. On May 9, 2011, the Globe and Mail featured an editorial titled “The Visa for visiting Mexicans has run its course.” I believe that once Bill C-11 is in full affect, the costs of the TRV requirement will far outweigh its benefits, if they do not already. Acknowledging the Success of the TRV Requirement There is no question that the TRV requirement has reduced the number of refugee claimants from Mexico. In the first three months of 2009, 2,757 Mexicans applied for refugee status. During the same period in 2010 the number was 384. The acceptance rate, which was always low, continues to hover at around 10%. The Inconvenience to Travelers is Massive While the TRV requirement has reduced the number of Mexican refugee claimants, it has also greatly inconvenienced tens of thousands of Mexicans, and deterred many hundreds of thousands more from coming to Canada. In 2010, the … Read More